On the Parkstreet Inc. について
English version is after the Japanese one!You can scroll down.
On the ParkStreet Inc. のweb siteを一新するにあたって、blogという形で情報を発信していこうと思います。其の名も、ParkStreet Chronicle. イメージとしては、地域の回覧板というか、かっこいいなと思う言葉でいうとzineみたいなノリで、発信したいなと考えています。
一昨年発足以来(実質本格的に動き出したのは、昨年)、一応web siteも作ったし、Instagramも適度にupしているしという状況でした。一年ほど、悩みながらも日々の仕事をただこなしていくといった状況では、あまりにも弱いなというのが感想で、コロナ禍の中、これからどうしたものか随分と悩みました。ですが、我々はまだ始まったばかりなので、一つ一つ出来ることを始めなきゃいけない強く思ったことが始まりです。仕切り直しです。

On the ParkStreet Inc.について
前置きが長くなりましたが、まずはOn the Parkstreet Inc.について、ご説明をします。業務内容等は、About usを見てください。あそこにも書きましたが、我々が出来る役割としては、様々なブランドやアーティストの方のハブとなれるような会社になればと思っています。
Online が主流になった今、思う事はアナログの店の価値というのはものすごく高くなってきているのではないかと思っています。オンラインでは説明できないような商品というものは確実に存在していて、実際に手に取って、試着して、自分の目で実際見るとわかる商品のオーラみたいな物を感じられる場所が必要で、それを伝えることが出来る店、そんな商品を作り続けるデザイナーやアーティストを繋げる集団で在りたいと思います。
For the beginning...
To renew On the ParkStreet official site, I have decided to start a blog. The title is going to be “Parkstreet Chronicle.” The image of this blog is like an information board or zine ( let’s put in a cool way). Since I started this Parkstreet inc project, I made the official sites and Instagram to reach out to potential audiences. Unfortunately, I made those 2 ( include FB, then 3), I did not put much effort to make this opportunity better. I have done just daily work and let time goes by. The COVID19 brought us a really important time to consider how we all do in business and gave us a bit of a break to think through what we should do for the next. Luckily, we, On the ParkStreet Inc.. are just started and we haven’t done anything yet. Thus, I decided to put some more effort to express ourselves to the public. Under this pandemic, we are also restarting our project!
The reason why I chose to blog as a format to express is that writing format can have more information than Instagram. As one user of Instagram, I use it as a tool to collect information and it is much easier. However, when I think it as a media to contain a lot of information, Blogs or writing media would have much power to do so. It can contain not only photos with descriptions, but it also contains more writers’ passion through these letters. We believe that the importance of writing still stands very strong and will never be erased. Many people should have realized by now that IG or FB has been quite boring comparing when those SNS started, shouldn’t they?

On the ParkStreet Inc.
So now, let’s talk about what On the ParkStreet Inc project is. I wrote down what I do with this project on about section. Please check there also.
We consider the important elements of our role is to be a “HUB” for brands and artists.
Some might have concerns like:
We prefer to develop, to make, or produce products but we are not good at sales.
We have a language barrier in a different country
We do not like to communicate with customers in a different region
We prefer to concentrate to produce
You may have more reason that you want to have some help from others. We would like to help them to go or get to the new potential market.
My vision for On the ParkStreet inc. to create and to be the “street” virtually. One day, Buyers, consumers, enthusiast, or brands, artists, designer or could be cook, musician or you name it, would come to this ParkStreet to exchange their ideas, products, performance or the work. We will be the platform for them to support.
We believe that the value of the brick & mortar stores is really high in the current situation in which the majority of products are bought online. We are for sure that there are products you cannot feel, touch, or understand through word description online, especially those products like we are selling. Those products are full of pleasure, passion, and skilled techniques to create from scratch. We want to be the hub to connect that type of products and a particular store can tell all the story behind.
By the way, we made this website in 2 languages: Japanese and English. Unfortunately, this platform does not allow me to change the language in this Blog. Thus, I made 2 categories above: Japanese and English. You can only show the English version of the Blog when you hit the button.
So from today, I would do my best to update the blog as much as possible.
Please subscribe to this blog!